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Syria 2018 Strike Part 2 | Command Modern Operations | Lessons In Overkill

While I enjoy building Naval Warfare scenarios and "what if " analysis…

This operation helped me understand why I have stayed away from re-enacting operations in Command Modern Operations. 1:35 Mission Nugget 2:21 LUA Nuggets CMO is not the tool you want to use if there is overkill involved. In this case we had what amounts to 3 sites with a total of 3 or 4 buildings at each site. One site had "bunkers" where we are tasked with using 105 to 109 weapons to demolish those 3 sites. I'll be honest I spun my wheels attempting to pull that off with CMO.

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Tags: Gaming, Command Modern Operations , ,  , ,
Video Length (HH:MM:SS): 00:19:16
Date Added: 9/10/2020
Links Mentioned In Video: Google Drive, ,,