
Scenario Design

Planning, Research and Documentation

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Have A Plan

Before you open CMO, having an idea of what you want to see, comes first.  By this I mean, is this going to be a head to head surface battle, air to surface attack, cargo operation etc. Think of this in the most basic terms, you can always add and layer the scenario as it becomes necessary, and it will. 

Just a side note, attempting to re-create a current or past event is not exactly a rookie project.  I have fairly extensive knowledge of actual capabilities and limitations of pre and modern naval forces and the weapons they have at their disposal, and I can say with absolute certainty, there is a big difference in what happens in real life battles or actions and what you can achieve in CMO. (See this video: Syria 2018 Strike Part 2)  Once you have built a few smaller skirmishes and a few battles , you will get a fair idea about what I call the X-Factor in CMO.

The X-Factor is the difference between actual radar ranges and CMO ranges, weapon flight paths and profiles and CMO weapon flight paths, weather effects and CMO weather effects.  When you understand these difference, frustration levels decrease.   

In summary, have an idea of what you want to do, make a few notes and stay focused on that idea.  


U.S. Naval Institute
Researching Your Plan.

If you purchased this simulator, you most likely have several sources of reliable information you get a lot of your information from.  These sources are now your research material. If you want any semblance of realism, research is key. 

We have a pretty fair repository of useful information and links for your research here. 

Historical perspectives and writings are a big help as well.  

Check out my reading list here. 

Research is great and educational, but usually only means something to the type of people reading this. Most really wouldn't notice the little things, like the actual number of planes on a carrier or the squadron names.  They just want to play shoot the bullets. Which is great for us...we need players for our scenarios.  But sometimes it's just fun to play in the editor too.

In your research, you won't find much on actual tactical plans or ships movement for obvious security concerns.  I recommend calling Adm. Koehler at 3rd Fleet in San Diego and ask him those questions.  

For U.S. 3rd Fleet. Contact the quarterdeck at 619-221-5287 or mail to 53690 Tomahawk Dr STE 338 San Diego, CA 92147-5004

Oh and drop us a line and let us know how that worked out for you.

Matrix Forums and Comment sections of articles are another "source" of "information".

*Disclaimer:  You may find sea lawyers , morons and asshats in these areas so take advice  with a grain of salt and do some checking on what you find.  

Having actual tactical knowledge about naval operations is both a godsend and a curse.  The curse being, your ability to build a very accurate comprehensive operation, and not being able to share it with anyone.  Such is life.  

In a certain forum, highlighted above, read through the forum, and focus on the things a spy would want to know.  Specific questions about tactics and operations.  Isolate who is doing all the asking, read back a year or so and if you can identify the account that should be RED FLAGGED, let me know  in the comments below and if it matches mine.  I will buy the first match a 1 year Digital Membership to United States Naval Institute.  

My point here is, those that have actual knowledge of classified information, are not going to share that with anyone, unless their name is Clinton.  So don't hold your breath.    

In summary, do your due diligence, especially if you plan to contribute your scenarios to the community.  Find what you consider to be reliable sources and study what you find. 

 Notice: There will never be a single link posted on this site that originates from CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or MSNBC


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Above I mentioned taking a few notes...I lied, take a LOT of notes and document, document, document, you will thank me later when you come back to your project a year later to update or otherwise try to figure out what you did. Or in my case CRS disease sets in with age.   Frankly, that's a big reason I started making these videos, to remember what I did.  As we go along I will show some of CMO's built in documentation areas.  

In summary, get yourself some printer paper, a 3 hole punch and a notebook, high lighters pens and pencils.  Draw up, sketch, label, and make notes; you'll be glad you did.     


Member U.S. Naval Institute

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